Saturday, December 29, 2012


Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb cold press
11 x 7.5
$125. Unframed
Teresa Beyer

Somewhere the soul must stand naked to the Truth

If the artist suppressed all spiritual emotion, he would never be a great artist. In art, we call this emotion temperament; in oratory, we call it inspiration; and in purely spiritual things, we call it Illumination. Somewhere the soul must stand naked to the Truth, if it is to receive It in all Its fullness. There must be an outlet as well as an inlet, if there is to be a continual flow. “Quench not the Spirit,” but let the intellect decide to what the emotions are to respond. This is the secret of a well-balanced life.

            “Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good.” We are not to be afraid of strange ideas or doctrines, but are to prove them and accept only that which is true. We are to analyze, dissect and investigate until we know the Truth and then hold fast to It. In this way, all advance must come, whether in science, philosophy, religion or anything else. Science of Mind 497.5 - 498.5 Earnest Holmes

Keeping the Brushes Wet

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


7.5 x 11.5
Watercolor/mixed media
300 lb Arches cold press
Teresa Beyer

The truth shall set us free. No longer having to remember secrets or lies, keeping the story straight.

Lets go further and investigate the truth on a deeper spiritual level.

“Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
(Romans 12:2)
Could this mean a conscious thought that pours truth into the channels of creative energy, renewing the body and healing the mind. Releasing old ideas and concepts of disease and failure. Replacing them with liberty, freedom, health, harmony and success. Knowing the body heals as the inner mind transforms. False images are renewed by images of the truth.

Is it the ego sitting on our shoulder feeding us lies of not being good enough? That keeps us sheltered in a false sense of fear. Be afraid very afraid.

Afraid of living a life of love, seeing light and love in everyone and everything? How can that be scary? Living the life you have always dreamed of? How can this be the truth for those who live surrounded by war, famine and disease?

We see this truth in the remarkable film starring Roberto Benigni who accomplishes the impossible in this World War II comedy ~ Life is Beautiful. Ahaunting comedy is shaped out of the tragedy of the Holocaust. A Jewish man with a wonderful romantic sense of humor uses this same truth to protect his son in a Nazi death camp.

And so you see our minds are very powerful ~ capable of creating a reality of our choosing. Does that also mean we are creating a false sense of reality?

Oh dear God
~ lets just say ~
to thine own self be true.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter . . . Fog

Winter ~ Fog
7.25 x 10.25
Teresa Beyer
$125. S&H

Winter . . . Fog

The Fog, also known along the coast as a marine layer has been rolling in regularly these past few weeks. Thick and heavy allowing only a limited visibility.

At times many of us experience fog. A fog so heavy we loose sight of our goals, our dreams. Once the fog lifts the sun is there shinning bright, we can now, once again see our dreams clearly.

We attract what we expect, don't submit to the fog. If we do not submit, the fog will no longer be an obstacle but a stepping-stone.