Thursday, November 21, 2013

Radiant and Wild

Radiant & Wild Iris
15 x 22 Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb cold press
Teresa Beyer

The Radiant and Wild Iris, glows and basks in this fresh early morning.

Reaching up for sunlit kisses from the sun. While securely rooted in our mother, being nourished by the earth’s rich minerals.

Waiting for a generous drink from the loving gardener.

Radiant & Wild, Iris is a perfect example of oneness, the knowing and understanding that we are all one.

As always, keeping the brushes wet,

Friday, November 15, 2013


A quick sketch of my grandson playing in a fountain.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

my path

I feel that I am walking my truer path. I find that messages are still impacting me. And I am amazed at how simple they are and yet how potent these simple messages are. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Deep inside we are all gifted. Having a sense of our gifts for a long time. Express them and bask in the light they provide. Take a chance on yourself. If not today then when?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When love knocks

Love can only knock on your door, it will not intrude. It is you who must open the door. 

with love,

Monday, November 4, 2013

Universal Love

If you are happy, sad, mad, glad, angry it does not matter to the Universe. Your state of mind does not matter, though of course; the Universe love’s it when you are delightfully happy and satisfied. Whatever you are feeling there is an unspoken energy that is here to uplift and support you and remind you of the love inside your soul. 


Saturday, November 2, 2013

When you are in a state of gratitude, it changes the energy of your situation toward a better day. When you are desperate, it sends desperation forward. Find the higher vibration and manifest from there.

Peace and Blessings

Friday, November 1, 2013

The natural wonders of the world help me see so many things on so many levels.