Thursday, October 31, 2013

Angel of Grief
Teresa Beyer

Angels in Your Inbox
by Dawn Lianna M.A.

We Adore Being With You

We cherish our moments with you. When you call us in, it delights us. We adore being with you. Ask for our help again and again as nothing gives us more pleasure than to be of service to you. 


The Angels

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Jealousy is pretty silly when you understand the bigger picture. Jealousy is feeling that someone else has it better than you. You, your soul and the divine chose for you, your station in life. If you could really understand that you are perfectly placed and moving upward according to your divine destiny, intention and beliefs you would accept the here and now as it is. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Guardian

Holding positive intention, requests or prayer for another is a good action. When you pray for another it returns to you. When you request that another is helped it gives us deeper stewardship to help that person. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

A thing of beauty reflects beauty. Something at peace reflects peace. Be at peace with yourself and you become one of peace reflecting peace to all. 
Keeping the brushes wet,

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bubbles the Clown?

I like this one!
I'm going to do a little oil of it. I'm not sure about the title or the bubbles.

From my sketchbook

Keeping the brushes wet,
Teresa Beyer