Friday, April 27, 2012

Bewitching Calavera

Bewitching Calavera
11 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer
$75. Unframed

The word calavera is Spanish for “skull,” and can refer to the cultural Mexican celebration Day of the Dead and the Roman Catholic holiday All Souls Day. And in a just a little over a week we will be celebrating Cinco de Mayo.

Just a little reminder that on May 4th ~ First Friday you will find me at La Villita with DebraBenditz. I will be there from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. It would really be great to see you out there.

Some Calaveras are made of sugar and used to adorn altars and my be eaten. And then there are the liter arias Calaveras that write poems for the Day of the Dead that humorously criticize the living. And then of curse any artistic representation of the skull is referred to as a calavera.

I on the other hand while painting this piece kept thinking and singing the song “Witchy Woman” written by Don Henley and recorded with the Eagles. Let me refresh your memory of a few of the lyrics.

“Raven hair and ruby lips
Sparks fly from her fingertips
Echoed voices in the night
She’s a restless spirit on an endless flight.
Woo hoo Witchy Woman
See how high she flies
Woo hoo Witchy Woman
She got the moon in her eyes
She held me spellbound in the night
Dancing shadow and firelight
Crazy laughter in another room
And she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon”

By Don Henley and the Eagles

Keeping the brushes wet,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dead can Dance

Dead can Dance
7.5 x 11
Teresa Beyer

How promising to know we will be Dancing in the here after.

I’m excited to share I will be participating in the First Friday Art Walk this May 4th. I will be in a new venue for me here in San Antonio, TX at La Villita Historic Art Village. Debra Benditz has invited me to join her in her gallery.

I’m very happy and excited to be participating at this very special location, as you may know San Antonio is in the midst of celebrating a nine day city wide event known as La Fiesta ending this weekend. While I did not participate as an artist I did enjoy as a spectator. Taking in music, dance and many arts. This has inspired me to do paintings in celebration of Cinco de Mayo. Doing Calavera’s, dancers, and this little piece which actually would fit more appropriately with the Latin Celebration ~ Day of the Dead.

I hope to see those of you who can make it to La Villita First Friday.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Monday, April 23, 2012

Well Worn Mask

Well Worn Mask
7.5 x 7.5

While wearing her only mask like a glove She listened intently to “Bills Story.” She then decided to remove the well-worn mask and to make herself vulnerable.

“It was only a matter of being willing to believe in a Power greater than herself. Nothing more was required to once again make a new beginning.”

On April 22, 2012 she had 17 years of soDRYity. She had not graduated nor outgrown the program. Humbled and broken she began a new. Living one day at a time. Surrounded by hosannas and filled with a deep gratitude.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ice Princess

Ice Princess
7 x 7
Teresa Beyer

            A young and beautiful woman whose life experiences have been of cruelty. She now finds herself as a young woman of power.
            Calculating cunning and shrewd, she is perceptive while silently watching and scrutinizing all who surround her and beyond.
            Finding her way in life by remaining aloof, distant, and trusting no one.
            She aches from the self imposed prison and loneliness.

            One day she will learn ~ that there are only two true feelings. Love and Fear. When she learns this she will then have to decide which one she wants to live.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Scream

The Scream
7.5 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer

I can feel my heart SCREAM as the joy slips away. Promises unfulfilled uprooted into a new state and a new city. No family no friends. Desperately seeking fulfillment outside of myself. Hopes and dreams were slipping away as sadness and grief overcame me.

NO ~ NO ~ NO . . . I don’t want this, I didn’t move here for this. “Ahhh another opportunity for growth.” “God does not give us more than we can handle.” Sayings! Just what are they meant to do? Bring me comfort! WELL THEY DON’T!!! I hurt, I’m scared and I’m all alone.

I’m screaming from deep within my soul, a primal yell ~ I just want and need a friend. I need a friend who will sit and listen. Listen to what is causing me my grief and heartache. Can you be a friend ~ a heart with ears. I need a good Heart Hug. For seven months I attended the same church attended book studies and tried to make friends. People knew ~ they knew I was hurting and they left me alone.

Finally I returned to my program of recovery ~ and there I have found my tribe once again. The women reached out, called me and listened. Invited me to join them on their outings. The women with much love helped me find my center, my God center. This is much more than a recovery program it is a way of life. A life that I thought and believed I had outgrown. I may not have drunk but my disease was full blown. Thank God for this program of recovery because as soon as I walked in and reached out I had so many people reaching back.

I have come full circle in many ways ~ today I am smiling a smile that comes from deep within my heart and my soul is singing a song of joy.

Today I am painting with confidence, inspiration and pleasure. I am establishing myself in the art community and filled with a desire to express all of this that is inside.

Keeping the brushes wet,

fears faced, hearts mended, faith restored, and love bared

Monday, April 16, 2012

Who Am I?

Who am I today?
7.5 x 7.5

A mask typically covers all or part of the face, worn as a disguise to amuse or terrify others. And then there is the mask/face that we wear for different occasions and different people. One is for the cop when pulled over for speeding, another for the person that cuts us off. One for a newborn babies another for a dear friend. We put on our smile and tell the world we are fine when someone asks, “How are you?” Fine the polite and automatic response when really our world is falling apart and spiraling the drain. Fine ~ when feeling great and at the top of our game.


Keeping the brushes wet,
Teresa Beyer

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Chick

This little chick immediately feels love and identifies with the flower ~ may you feel love in all that you see.
Happy Easter,
Keeping the Brushes Wet,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

River Walk Open Theatre

River Walk
Open Theatre
7.5 x 7.5

The great outdoors Arneson River Theatre is located in the San Antonio River Walk in Texas. The open air venue was built in 1939 and is where the local artists perform. The stage is on the north side of the river and the audience can sit and relax on the cement grass covered steps on the south side.

Keeping the Brushes Wet,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Calavera Mask

The Calavera Mask
7.5 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer

The Widow ~ cast aside, forgotten and neglected, rises again to embrace her feminine essence.

Calavera is Spanish for skull and relates to the Mexican celebration Day of the Dead.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Duckies

Easter Duckies
7.5 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer

These little babies were hidden deep in the grass when the hunt took place. They were never found. They are off on their own little hunt ~ and getting ready to tumble down the hill.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Mask

The Mask
7.5 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer

This beautiful yet haunting false face is filled with mystery. Arousing a curiosity in the viewer regarding what lies behind the mask.

What is the story behind the mask? Is it your story?