Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Bride

The Bride
22 x 15
Watercolor on KMJ 140
Teresa Beyer

According to legend “The Bride” tripped on her gown as she took her first steps down the stairs and fell to her death.
Her newlywed husband and widower had this memorial and gravesite built for them both.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Lilies in a Vase

Lilies in a Vase
15 x 11
Watercolor on KMJ 140
Teresa Beyer Fine Art 

A beautiful glass vase from our glass collection and Lilies from the garden.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Aprils Fool

April's Fool
WaterColor on KMJ 140
by Teresa Beyer 

Yes he is a day late - making him quite the fool.