Friday, December 13, 2013

Teresa Beyer Fine Art

This is a painting done July of 2010 doing a wonderful self challenge of a daily painting. Painting Daily - finishing a small piece daily improves several muscles. Eye and hand, speed, technique, confidence and to make the best of a brush dipped in coffee by accident.
Keeping the brushes wet,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


As I ready for yet another move I look forward to devoting more time to my art and finding my voice. One would think after a lifetime of moves (I think I’ll count them up) that this would get easier.

Traveling to be in a sacred partnership all though filled with joy and promise will undoubtedly be my biggest opportunity for personal growth. With an open heart and mind I gladly step into the arms of my lovers embrace.

I welcome the time to paint again as I find my personal expression while rooting around town and nesting at home.

This is my second move this year. Sad to be leaving my job (for those of you who know me this may shock you) and the people I have met there. Also sad to be leaving this wonderful and magical neighborhood in Studio City where I have met so many dog lovers.

Moving for what I hope is the last time up to the Bay area. Where I will be keeping the brushes wet.


Monday, December 9, 2013

White Flower
11 x 15
Teresa Beyer Fine Art

For me there is no escaping the lush sensuality of a flower. What else can I do? I have not other choice than to paint and translate this beautiful image.

As I plan my move the studio is the last to be packed ~ the first to be unpacked.

Parting with much heavy baggage, starting new ~ fresh and light.

Bay area here I come ~ ~ ~

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Radiant and Wild

Radiant & Wild Iris
15 x 22 Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb cold press
Teresa Beyer

The Radiant and Wild Iris, glows and basks in this fresh early morning.

Reaching up for sunlit kisses from the sun. While securely rooted in our mother, being nourished by the earth’s rich minerals.

Waiting for a generous drink from the loving gardener.

Radiant & Wild, Iris is a perfect example of oneness, the knowing and understanding that we are all one.

As always, keeping the brushes wet,

Friday, November 15, 2013


A quick sketch of my grandson playing in a fountain.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

my path

I feel that I am walking my truer path. I find that messages are still impacting me. And I am amazed at how simple they are and yet how potent these simple messages are. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Deep inside we are all gifted. Having a sense of our gifts for a long time. Express them and bask in the light they provide. Take a chance on yourself. If not today then when?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When love knocks

Love can only knock on your door, it will not intrude. It is you who must open the door. 

with love,

Monday, November 4, 2013

Universal Love

If you are happy, sad, mad, glad, angry it does not matter to the Universe. Your state of mind does not matter, though of course; the Universe love’s it when you are delightfully happy and satisfied. Whatever you are feeling there is an unspoken energy that is here to uplift and support you and remind you of the love inside your soul. 


Saturday, November 2, 2013

When you are in a state of gratitude, it changes the energy of your situation toward a better day. When you are desperate, it sends desperation forward. Find the higher vibration and manifest from there.

Peace and Blessings

Friday, November 1, 2013

The natural wonders of the world help me see so many things on so many levels.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Angel of Grief
Teresa Beyer

Angels in Your Inbox
by Dawn Lianna M.A.

We Adore Being With You

We cherish our moments with you. When you call us in, it delights us. We adore being with you. Ask for our help again and again as nothing gives us more pleasure than to be of service to you. 


The Angels

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Jealousy is pretty silly when you understand the bigger picture. Jealousy is feeling that someone else has it better than you. You, your soul and the divine chose for you, your station in life. If you could really understand that you are perfectly placed and moving upward according to your divine destiny, intention and beliefs you would accept the here and now as it is. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Guardian

Holding positive intention, requests or prayer for another is a good action. When you pray for another it returns to you. When you request that another is helped it gives us deeper stewardship to help that person. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

A thing of beauty reflects beauty. Something at peace reflects peace. Be at peace with yourself and you become one of peace reflecting peace to all. 
Keeping the brushes wet,

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bubbles the Clown?

I like this one!
I'm going to do a little oil of it. I'm not sure about the title or the bubbles.

From my sketchbook

Keeping the brushes wet,
Teresa Beyer

Monday, September 30, 2013

Clowns Cry


Who am I?

My ama told me all of my life that this is who I was, who we were.
            Who my brother is . . .
            Who she was . . .
They were all lies

So today I get to decide . . .
Who I am based on the truths I know about myself
Not my family . . .
Not society . . .

So I’m having a private party, just me myself and I!
Celebrating the who I am
The woman I am today, walking a spiritual path, living as much in the moment as I possibly can. To stay focused in the present and confident that I will never be alone again. I see all there is and I am abundant. Letting go of yesterdays regrets and tomorrows worries.
Celebrating the me, myself and I
No longer a clown that Cries

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Clowns do Cry

September 29, 2013


Clowns do Cry

Putting your best foot forward
Leaving anxieties and fears at the door
Knowing you can do so much more
A stampede of people all competing
All of it feeling so self defeating
Hopes and dreams
Tangled in a web of screams

Looking for a job is not for the faint of heart

Teresa Beyer

Friday, August 9, 2013

SunFlower painting in process

There are so many artist that are burning the candles at both ends. Working full time jobs, taking care of a family, marketing on social media sites and painting. After the family and working the number one priority is painting. I have always admired them and wondered, well now I'm finding out.

This piece - a sunflower just was so beautiful it was begging for an interpretion. The background effect was achieved by mixing Aurelion and Indigo. Then while the paint was just starting to loose it's shine I threw some table salt on it. Loving the effect salt has on watercolor.

There is an entrepreneur tele summit beginning the Monday August 12. The best part is that it is free. Should be filled with tons of valuable information and one of the speakers is Alyson Stanfield . . . here is the link

Monday, July 22, 2013

Radiant & Wild, Iris

Radiant & Wild Iris
15 x 22 Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb cold press
Teresa Beyer

The Radiant and Wild Iris, glows and basks in the fresh early morning.

Reaching up for sunlit kisses from the sun. While securely rooted in our mother, being nourished by the earth’s rich minerals.

Waiting for a generous drink from the loving gardener.

Radiant & Wild, Iris is a perfect example of oneness, the knowing and understanding that we are all one.

As always, keeping the brushes wet,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Iris a Bearded Beauty

There are so many beautifully landscaped yards in this neighborhood. Offering those who walk through a taste of a formal garden.

At the very end of my block ~ blooming profusely around the telephone pole (yes I know we don’t have underground wiring, we also don’t have street lights) were these magnificent Bearded Irises in a mixture and variety of colors. They were just breathtaking.

So here she is a Breathtaking Bearded Beauty.

22 x 15
Watercolor on Arches 300lb cold press
Teresa Beyer

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

NWS ~ demo

I had the pleasure of attending a demo given by Don Andrews in San Pedro at the National Watercolor Society.
I should have titled the blog Some Head. Lets see if I can get the Progression in order.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Guardian and Rock On!

The Guardian
6 x 6 x 2
Oil on wrapped canvas
Teresa Beyer
This was so much fun to paint! And if you hang it by the upper left corner it hangs as if you are being watched over. Brilliant little piece with a subtle emotion that slowly washes over you.

Rock On
22 x 15
Watercolour on 300lb paper
Teresa Beyer
$245. Unframed
The finishing touches for this piece you may not be able to see. The main thing that was focused on is the bits of debris to the upper right and kind of just below this sumptuous succulent on the right. And voila ~ a finished piece.

15 x 19.5
Watercolour on 300lb paper
Teresa Beyer
$245. Unframed
Rose was accepted into the Buenaventura Gallery Member show for May 21, through July 13, 2013. The reception and award ceremony will be on May 25, 2013. Come meet the artist and say hello.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Guardian ~

The Guardian
oil on canvas and then some
6 x 6 x 2
Teresa Beyer

This piece is almost done, just a couple of finishing touches. 
Offering a feel good felling the title is perfect. Right now as it dries I have it hanging by a corner and it's looking down with that confident grin and beakie nose.

Keep the brushes wet,

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rock On

Rock On
22 x 15
Watercolour on
Arches 300 lb paper

There is a home in the neighborhood that has this beautiful border of succulents. They have maybe a three-foot retaining wall for the front yard and maybe a three-foot wide boarder of succulents. So while walking it is so easy to admire the landscape.

This little succulent motivated and inspired me because of the similarity in color of the plant and stones and the contrast of texture. The thick soft little petals against the rocks are beautiful opposites. The softness of the plants texture in comparison to the stones and yet they somehow seemed to blend. It just had to be painted.

The piece is almost done ~ almost, I so wanted it to be finished today. I can’t wait to share the finished piece.

With gratitude,
Keeping the brushes wet,

Monday, May 6, 2013


Magic has often been thought of as the art of making dreams come true. The art of realizing visions. Yet before we can bring life to the vision we have to see it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

rock painting in progress

I have had several comments on this piece as it develops. And people really like rocks. We see the beauty in them, relate to their stillness and understand the proximity.

This morning I realized that rocks are how my journey as an artist began. In the mid ‘90’s I went on a road trip camping trip for the first time into the magnificent state of Utah. On a hike in at Arches National Park I was called like Richard Dryfuss in his movie Close Encounters to paint The Delicate Arch.

And so it began ~ it took all of one summer to paint.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


15 x 19.5
Watercolor on 300lb cold press paper
Teresa Beyer

My neighborhood is such a pleasure to walk in. Beautiful gardens huge old trees, one home has a Redwood in the front yard. So this is my second flower in my floral series. Using a limited palette of Quinacridone Red (red), Quinacridone Gold (yellow) and French Ultramarine Blue (blue). 

The painting is finished with a natural border of white. I was able to do this buy taping it off before painting.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Monday, April 29, 2013

Little D in the fountain

D in the fountain
7 x 5
Watercolor on
300lb cold press
Teresa Beyer the Grandmother

Just doodleing around with color and trying to replicate the water. I haven't seen my grandson in weeks, God I miss those little monsters.

Keeping the brushes wet,

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Child Within

It is the child that sees the primordial secret in Nature and it is the child of ourselves we return to. The child within us is simple and daring enough to live the Secret. LAO~TZU — at Painting by Teresa Beyer of Liquid Colour.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


mixed media mostly watercolour
7.5 x 11.5
When the ey wakes up to see again, it suddenly stops taking anything for granted.
by Frederick Franck

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rose 3

Loving the Organic Sensuality in this piece.

So this is Rose 3 ~ not quite done, almost

heART hugs,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rose 2

Rose 2
watercolor on 300 lb paper
6.5 x 7.25

Another sweet study for a larger floral I am planning on doing. Love this piece.

Keeping the brushes wet ~
Teresa Beyer

Monday, April 8, 2013

New Studio ~ New Body of Work

While living in Ventura I was really struggling to make ends meet.
            I found myself in a constant state of fear and anxiety.
            And then a dear sweet soul made me an offer I could not refuse and I will be eternally grateful to him.
            So . . . I have moved again ~ returning to the San Fernando Valley near the neighborhood where I grew up.
            All these moves are making me feel like a gypsy.

Love my new studio ~ it really embraces me.
I’ve decided to create a new body of work ~ returning to florals.
            Here is my most recent, painted in Ventura before the move to the SFV.

Here is Chloe my assistant helping with the colour palette selection.

And today’s warm up and exercise ~ Rose 1. I decided to use a delicate palette of Genuine Rose Madder, Aureolin and Cobalt Blue. I felt the shading was getting away from me and in places it was getting a bit muddy.

I’m looking forward to staying here and really growing some roots and getting some stability. Expressing artistically as a mature artist where just maybe you the viewer can relate to the finished piece as restful and nurturing. Lets see.

Keeping the brushes wet ~