Nuestra Senora
11 x 15
Teresa Beyer
A couple of weeks ago I decided to go for a bike ride along
the RiverWalk. Well that section was closed and I was rerouted on to the
streets. Yuck I haven’t really ridden with traffic in years. It turned out to
be such a great experience I loved it. So I’m riding around and have no idea
where I am and I find this great Mission.
I have a huge fondness for the Missions so this was like a
treasure. I locked up my bike and went exploring, not knowing what to expect on
my ride I had my phone, camera, skectchbook and water in my backpack.
The Mission was originally built in 1716 and served the
Ainais tribe. In 1730 it moved to Austin and then to San Antonio in 1731. The
church building was completed in 1755 and is the oldest unrestored stone church
with the walls being 45inches thick in the United States.
The Mission was such a pleasure to explore. And now I have
to head back to my car on my bike and have no idea where I am and how to get to
my car. Thank goodness I had my phone and my GPS. Put my ear piece in and I was
on my way.
Keeping the brushes wet,