Friday, March 30, 2012

Planet Apple

Planet Apple
7.5 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer

The DailyPaintWorks Challenge inspires this piece. This is the challenge to give the smallest amount of information and still have it read as an "apple?” The challenge is to paint an apple - any apple - in as few areas of color as possible, and still have it read as a 3-dimensional apple.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

River Walk 2

River Walk 2
7 x 7

This piece was so much fun to do ~ I love the sweeping arch of shade crossing the ivy and into the water. And just in case it doesn't read very well that is a bridge to the left going overhead.  Ahhhhhhh ~ keeping the brushes wet.

Playing with color

is one of the most fun things to do in any paint medium. Learning what colors blend to make other colors. It makes one feel like a kid again.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Paper Abstract

Paper Abstract
7 x 7 

The painting was done for the weekly challenge with Daily Paintworks.

Keeping the brushes wet ~

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lonely Bird

Lonely Bird Watercolor 7 x 7 $35. Poor little thing he is so hungry and is scared just looking for a worm or something to eat. All alone on the edge, there is no one to give him direction or guidance or company. Help I’m scared.

Monday, March 19, 2012


RiverWalk 7 x 7 Watercolor $35 A peaceful and serene way to spend the day.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Betta Watercolor 7 x 7 $35. To purchase click here This is a painting of my fish John Singer Sergent, a beautiful and hardy little betta. At a little over a year old, John traveled in a large jar stuck in a box with an assortment of other precious cargo. It was August of 2011 and I was moving from Prescott, AZ to San Antonio, TX. It was a three-day trek with record high temperatures. John traveled and stayed in the jar for three days. With no food and left in the car at night while I slept in a hotel room. This may border on abuse and yes I did feel guilty but with my three little dogs, well they needed to be walked and fed and so did I. So he took a back seat even though he was really on the front floorboard of the car. So anyway once in San Antonio ~ I pulled out the little jar afraid of what I might find and much to my relief, John was haggard and worn out and very much alive. He spent the next three days on the dresser feeding twice a day while I looked for a place to rent. John is pushing two years old. I’m not sure how long betta’s live ~ he’s looking a little worn and very active. He can almost be hand fed and is a lively little desk companion.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Ugly Eclair

The Ugly Eclair ~ 7 x 7 ~ Watercolor ~ It tasted a heck of a lot better than it looks. I really didn't want to post this. I did anyway because this is what I worked on today and I'm wanting to post a painting 5 days a week.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Aztec God

Aztec God 7 x 7 Watercolor $35. The Aztec civilization believed in the worship of more than one god, which contained the many deities and supernatural creatures from their religious beliefs. To purchase click here.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Blue Landscape

3.9.12 Friday Fun Day It is cold and rainy here in San Antonio, TX and I have a lot of left side brainwork planned for the rest of the day. So I thought I would review and practice watercolor techniques and just play ~~~~ working from Joye Moons book “Exploring Textures in Watercolor.” • Using only one color ~ ultramarine blue. • I first drew in the horizon line. • Painted the sky wet into wet ~ starting at the top. • When the paint from the sky had dried a bit I created the tree line. • Wanting to force a burst of water I added clear water to the trees trying to create an organic edge. This was successful on the second tree from the left. The others just kind of fizzed and faded. • I then dry brushed in the foreground. • Then the fence posts were added ~ the closest one being the darkest and working from dark to light. Larger to smaller. To give a sense of depth. • And then the tree was painted in originally using a palette knife, but I just couldn’t get enough paint on the knife to get any good movement so I introduces a # 10 round paint brush. I still used the knife to create some texture. And voila ~ a Friday Fun Day painting! And now into the office.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Grazing in the Grass Watercolor 7 x 7 $35. A peaceful painting, bringing a soulful soft perception of the world.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Magnolia 4 Watercolor 7 x 7 $35. An expressive watercolor a radiant and intimate view of our Mother Nature.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Magnolia 3 Watercolors Painting 7 x 7 $35. A peaceful painting bringing a soulful soft perception of my world.