Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Pear II
Pear II
16 x 20
oil on canvas
$ ~ ?
I am learning to paint in oil and this is my first completed piece my Pear II. Because Pear I is still in the process. Layers and layers of glazing. It took several weeks.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Pear One again
Grrrrrrrrr ~~~~~ I have decided to go back and work on the center pear. The ghostly looking one. As you can see I thought I was done because I signed the piece but taking a little break from it I noticed the center pear needed some fattening up. So it now has a ghostly shape and waiting for that to dry so I can add some color.
Oh Happy Days.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Watercolor on Arches 300 lb cold press
22.5 x 15.25
Teresa Beyer
The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act overturns centuries of jurisprudence, stripping American citizens of their right to be charged and tried in a civilian court of law – to be innocent until proven guilty. The bill authorizes the US military to arrest US citizens merely on suspicion of “belligerent acts” – without being charged or tried - and to imprison them indefinitely in military prisons. Gulag Guantanamo forever. It should come as no surprise that a country notorious for imposing brutal dictatorships on foreign nations would turn against its own population with the same psychopathic force. We are all Bradley Manning now.
The looting of America is now complete and all that remains for the unemployed, bankrupt and homeless victims of US pathology is to surrender their freedom to the US military.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Rose 1/4
11.5 x 15
Rose ¼
This is the first of four hence the Title Rose 1/4.
This will be a series of rose using different photos of different angles. Each rose will be painted using a different yet limited color palette.
This Rose ~ “Rose ¼” was painted in an Intense color palette using Cad. Red, Winsor Yellow and Winsor Blue. All three of these paints are staining colors.
You may also have noticed the frame around the image ~ this was done using tape around the edge, before the painting was even started.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Pear One ~ Almost Done
I have four oil paintings that I am currently working on. Two Pear paintings and two rose paintings. This one is the closest to being completed. It feels to serious and somber. The pear on the right looks really bottom heavy. I'm excited to see how it finishes.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
3/D Caterpillar ~ Butterfly
3/D Caterpillar ~ Butterfly
8.25 x 14.5 x 1.25
Watercolor painted & mounted on
Arches 300 lb cold press paper
The little caterpillar is crawling through life feeling tired and cold, it crawls into a little sleeping bag and goes to sleep. The next day he wakes up flying across the Sierra Madre as a beautiful butterfly.
Monday, November 7, 2011
~ Caterpillar ~ Butterfly
I'm working on a little 3/D piece ~ from one angle you will see the Caterpillar preparing to cocoon ~ the other angle will be the Butterfly drying her wings.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Self Portrait
Self Portraits are interesting. I guess portraits can be translated in many different ways, this one I did of myself while looking in the mirror. Quite dissapointing because I'm largely a vain person, so why wouldn't I draw myself as beautifully as I'm able. Here is what my fellow artist had to say on that.
Claudette Loretz-Baker
I once was told by my 101 drawing instructor Dr. Hawk that we have a tendency to draw ourselves out of proportion, and exaggerate every line on our face, making ourselves look much older then we are, and some what like an alien. After studying under him for a few semesters his suggestion was to work from a photograph and not a mirror. There is a tendency to stare at ourselves and not see the light we hold. Those word of wisdom have really helped me. Best of luck and keep on drawing.
Friday, September 30, 2011
La Villita Stairway
La Villita StairWay
20.5 x 14.75
Watercolor on 300 lb cold press
$175. Museum matting & Shipping
Teresa Beyer
A beautiful little stairway going up from the San Antonio River Walk to La Villita. La Villita is an art community here in San Antonio, Texas. There are several fine art galleries, gift shops and restaurants in the community. The district is on the National Register of Historic Places. The structures range in architecture with Mission, Spanish and Revival and I'm thinking some French - built in the 1840's this is a true gem in San Antonio.
Downtown San Antonio, South Alamo at Nueva or Riverwalk at the Ameson Theatre. Between the Hilton Palacio dil Rio and the Fairmont Hotel. Open Daily 10 am - 6 pm.
Friday, September 23, 2011
TAZ - R.I.P.
7 x 7
Teresa Beyer
A beloved companion has transcended to Kitty Heaven.
Sweet Taz will always have a sacred spot in our heart of hearts.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Red Robin
Red Robin – Red Robin
Is singing a song
A song of new Beginnings and Growth
Inspiring, Invigorating and full of Possibilities
7 x 7
Teresa Beyer
To purchase this piece click here
I’ll be participating for the first time in the monthly First Friday Art Walk here in downtown San Antonio.
I’ll be at 940 S. Alamo
Ben’s Vending
Hope to see some of you ;)
Monday, September 19, 2011
A sweet little painting if I do say so myself.
I'm inspired to return to the "Daily Painting" so that is what I'm going to be doing. Florals in 7 x 7 format since it is up for auction I guess I blew it and I should start with the DPW post.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Watercolor on 300 lb cold press paper
15 x 11
Teresa Beyer
Trees are right up there with flowers for me.
To bid on this piece in the next three weeks click here.
Plein air
I have two plein air oil painting easels. Beautiful little wooden cases that hold everything. One I purchased and used once another was given to me by a friend. I dragged them both out to see which I would use in my upcoming oil class. One of them is about 15 lbs heavier because of the wood used with an Italian label. The easel drawer has adjustable compartments and the wood is beautiful. The other one is like a light pine much lighter and the easel drawer does not have compartments nor does it have a label. Hmmmmmmmm
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Square
Today I ordered this sweet device called The Square. This will enable me to accept credit card. How this little thing works - I plug it in to my smart phone and swipe the card. The funds are directly deposited into my business acct. Pretty sweet don't you think?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Miss Kitty
Miss Kitty
7.5 x 10.5
WaterColor on
300 lb paper
Painted using Red, Yellow and Blue, also known as a limited palett.
A little piece done for the Daily Paint Work Challenge. A fun place to visit with tons of art.
If you would like to bid on this piece click here.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Art License
Mmmm - I now have my San Antonio City License and I am able to participate in the First Friday Artwalk. Now to find a venue.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
10.5 x 7.5
My first real piece done in my new home studio. Here in San Antonio, TX.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Lincoln the Process
Spending a relaxing afternoon, with my three dogs and partner. I had my supplies that I take out and about and felt like painting or drawing something. I had a photo of Lincoln for one of the DPW challenges and a couple of watercolor pages. In the process I thought it might be fun and interesting to share the stages/process. So here it is . . .
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Aqua Pencil
10.5 x 7.5
Teresa Beyer
$45 & S/H
Abraham Lincoln was our 16th President. He was born February 12th 1809, served as President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination April 15th 1865.
Lincoln led our country through a constitutional, military and moral crisis – known as the American Civil War. The war preserved the Union ended slavery and promoted economic and financial modernization.
From a poor family on the western frontier, he was mostly self-educated and became a county lawyer, an Illinois state legislator and served one term of the United States House of Representatives.
He was an affectionate, husband and father of four children, though often absent.
This piece was created for the Daily Paint Works Challenge. If you would like to see the work of others and mine click here.
Sketched out in Aqua pencils and then gone over with a tool that I call a wet brush, blending what was sketched, creating a watercolor.
You may purchase a print or card of this piece through FAA or the original through me.
Happy Painting,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
7.5x 10.5
Teresa Beyer
With a cell phone it's easy to text a question to someone. They then have the opportunity to think about their reply. Maybe they are at work in a meeting or with a client and don't want to be interrupted. The reasons go on and on. I like this feature more and more. I'm trying to keep up with technology because I know the changes to come in the next 20 years are going to be something else. Put on your seat belts everyone because we are in for a ride!
What is also happening here is we are isolating ourselves, chipping away at any kind of human interaction. Sometimes finding us alone with all of our technology that gives a false sense of being connected. When in fact we are now isolated.
Elementary school children walking to their mom's car, hoping to make eye contact with her, as her eyes are cast downward wildly texting a meaningless reply, while missing an important moment with and for her child.
Texting, having these conversations with others present - isolates the other person. Having a cell phone conversation at the dinner table isolates your partner. What happened to common courtesy?
Have you ever felt any of this? Then this little watercolor is speaking to you.
Texting, isolating ourselves in a world overcrowded with people.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Kitchen Chicken
Kitchen Chicken
15 x 11
Teresa Beyer
Every Kitchen should have a Chicken.
That is what my former mother-in-law would say and then give a little laugh. She had a beautiful collection.
Here is my "Kitchen Chicken" painted for the Daily PaintWorks challenge.
If you are interested in purchasing this piece it is $45 plus shipping and handeling.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Oil on Board Canvas
16 x 20
$65. + s&h
Teresa Beyer
Painted in a class with a talented, gifted artist and instructor Gretchen Lopez at the Sedona Art Center . The Masters would do a value painting and then go over it with glazes of color. A traditional method many oil painters today implement.
Daily PaintWorks is an open forum where artist are given a new challenge weekly. The week of 05.21.11 the challenge was Value This late in the game and artist are welcomed to submit.
Here is mine.
If you are interested in this piece and have questions please contact me at.
Happy Painting,
Teresa aka Tess
We all learn something everyday, and sometimes we have to learn it more than once. Yesterday I did a painting from a photo of a friend Maddie. With the models permission - not the photographers. So it came down.
Monday, June 27, 2011
I have been away from my studio as I readied my town house for sale, and then visited California and Texas.
Recently the Universe blessed me with an abundance of choices. After careful consideration I made a choice.
I have lived in Prescott, AZ for six years now and I have made many new friends. I am sorry to leave them, and know with todays technology they will always be within reach and in my heart. I have decided to move to San Antonio, Texas with my fiance Todd Lund. We will be moving the first week of August.
Until my life is once again settled my painting and posting will be sporadic.
Thank you to the women in my life who gave me the courage, support and tools to make this very difficult decision.
Heart Hugs,
Teresa - aka Tess
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

7.5 x 11
Teresa Beyer
The rounded body style of this car reminded me of back in the day. Living and growing up in the San Fernando Valley, CA. The place to be on Wednesday night was Van Nuys Blvd. And boy did I have fun.
This is the first of the DPW Painting Challenges. This Challenge has well over 100 entries - check them out here
Let me know what you think.
Happy Painting,
Friday, April 22, 2011

Title –
Size - 30 x 22
Medium – Watercolor
Substrate - Arches 300 lb cold press
Artist – Teresa Beyer
This painting is filled with mystery for me. If I knew what kind of flower it is I would be able to give it perhaps an appropriate Title.
When I went to the nursery for an afternoon of photographing flowers, I was careful to record and list each flower photographed. The trick was to keep the list in my little notebook for future reference. Instead I tore out the two pages and put them in a safe place for future reference. Next time I will name the photographed flower that is in my computer file when I download.
SO - I am inviting you to come up with a title for this piece – name this painting, anything that seems fitting to you.
Also the weekend of May 7th and 8th Mothers Day Weekend, I will be participating in 25th Prescott Fine Art and Wine Festival. In the Court House Square. I will be in booth 77 near the Gazebo. Hope to see you there. Mountain Artist Guild is sponsoring this event with artist coming from all over the state to participate. With wine and food tasting from some of the top wineries and restaurants also participating. A great way to spend the day this Mothers Day Weekend.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Zippo Challenge

This week’s challenge is The Zippo Challenge
The challenge was to use a limited palette using Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue and White. The white of the paper is what is used for white when painting in watercolor.
To look at a photo of a Zippo lighter, reminded me of my dad, the smell and sound of the cigarette lighting ritual.
It’s getting late in the week and late in the day so I just thought I would knock out a little painting. Recycling paintings that were not successful, I tear them up to use the back as a color swatch or a small painting (thumbnail). If framed I wasn’t sure if I would matt it because of the size – SO I taped off the perimeter. And I wanted to share the deckled edge that all of my paintings on paper have.
Happy Painting,
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Rose #2
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Rose #1

Rose #1
12 x 9
Teresa Beyer
$45 plus S&H
There is a group of artist (Daily Painters) that have created a website. Inviting any and all artist to participate in a weekly challenge. This weeks challenge is A Valentine's Day Rose Challenge .
It is fun to see how everyone expresses themselves in this challenge, check it out A Valentine's Day Rose Challenge you'll see my piece there as well.
If you are interested in purchasing this piece or have any questions - please contact me at
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Santa Barbara Mission
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Ten Min. Glass Study

Carol Marine is a well known Daily Painter. She has been painting Daily for over three years now and has inspired many of us to paint daily. This is a huge discipline and a commitment. Carol has recently developed a website for artist where she has a weekly challenge. This week it was to take an object, paint it for ten minutes six times. Wow what a fun challenge! I think many of us had so much fun that we are going to do it a few times this week. Check out her site at
and all the art work by many different artist, styles and mediums.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

12 x 12 x .75
Watercolor Canvas
This piece was inspired by our recent snowstorm and from photo taken by Rachel Allen. I explored a couple of things that are somewhat new to me. For example using friskett on the watercolor canvas for the first time. Friskett acts as a resist to keep the canvas white. Enabling me to paint freely without worry about loosing my whitest white. I also used texture medium on the trees. This is advertised as giving a 3/D effect, and I think it did, as much as it could. So then I was worried about using the texture medium over the friskett. Not worried but wondering if I would be able to lift the friskett now that the texture medium had been painted over it. And of course it lifted.
The result is a haunting winter night during a snowstorm. And I am thoroughly pleased!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Six Koi

Six Koi
22 x 30
Teresa Beyer
I started this piece before the New Year and just finished it today. Not that I was working on it everyday, contrare I havent been in the studio much since ThanksGiving. The bodies of the Koi are painted in a shiney silver to give the effect of scales. Painted on a full size sheet of Arches 300 lb. watercolor paper.
Koi are an ornamental domesticated varietiey of the common carp that are kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or watergardens. They are culled for color and will revert to the original coloration within a few generations if allowed to breed freely. Koi are among the longest living vertebrates, with some living over 2oo years.
The Koi varieties tend to have a common body shape, but have a greater variety of coloration and color patterns.
Such a pleasure to be back in the studio.
Happy New Year to All of You!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
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